
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Social Media, Mobile, Media 2.0, E-Commerce, Future Trends, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Advertising, Startup, Design, VC, Entrepreneurship, Web Dev, Emerging Markets ... More ↓ Home Partners Careers News AZ Interviews Memeburn # August 1, 2011 Welcome To Memeburn! Regular Updates, You Can Subscribe By E-mail Or RSS. You Can Also Learn More About Memeburn Here. Google + Social Media Is The Golden Ticket To Media, The Chocolate Factory

Social Media, Mobile, Media 2.0, E-Commerce, Future Trends, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, advertising, startup, design, VC, entrepreneurship, Web Dev, emerging markets ... More ↓ Home Partners Careers News AZ Interviews Memeburn # August 1, 2011 Welcome To Memeburn! Regular updates, you can subscribe by e-mail or RSS. You can also learn more about Memeburn here. Google + Social Media is the Golden Ticket to Media, the Chocolate Factory

Les sociaux sont pas seulement mean that Facebook et Twitter. Certainly, au de leur Libération article, ces deux unites réécrit les Règles Quand il est Venu Partager notre vie en ligne. Facebook, the easier était de devenir de la vie de voyeur UN bientôt être des Meres-a-here vous au Collège dates, Twitter, a women's 140 CARACTÈRES vous, pouvez vous adapter à votre opinions controversées, et tels que les services location Foursquare Gowalla rewards you, pour vous votre fidelite. A L'Apogee de la domination de Facebook dans La Semaine de Mars 13, 2010, plus de personnes ont visits Google Facebook. The disassemble que tous les produits different étrange et pourtant sous son aile Etonnant, Google feu de joie dans le débattait sociaux des media.

High-speed part of the Google + (20 million users in less than three weeks) to see the famous phoenix rising from the ashes and failures Wave Buzz - "circles" of the word comes to mind. Users are advised to work with what they want to be included and excluded to forget everything that is a very clever deal with the social message. This form of "special division" is consistent with its core money-maker, AdWords, too. But more on that later.

Hvad er af bekræfte national will, Joseph Smarr, the backend of Googles + 's for det meste er bygget BigTable og Colossus / GFS, og andre bruger mass almindelig teknikker såsom mange andre Google Googles MapReduce programmer. Hvad betyder I'm not going to f Storr Ting, uh, the NAQ + Google Facebook Killer - det er et socialt Medium game changer, Denne historie og om nogle af af spekulation National Integration fantasifulde gore Ting:

Google Docs = +, and co-edited on the fly. How many groups of people begin to work with the cloud-based document to send important information about some groups (see circles), as well.

Google + YouTube = exponential and video sharing. The possibilities of a viral video that will grow exponentially when they were part of their circles of influence. With more than $ 20 million + potential influential Google is now a beautiful home away from Youtube. Hang outs also means the commitment of the brand rose: Imagine talking to Isaiah Mustafa (The Old Spice) in real time.

Finally, the different departments of a company can begin to publish information within their circles, and could increase their productivity through the media.

Careful de votre marque sur Twitter pour répondre à l'école Quand vous avez east vieux une Vraie mark of a diving temps.

Latitudine = +, e gli assassini Foursquare. E 'facile prendere vedere eat Applicazioni location-based, ad esempio i eat Latitude che è di gruppi per i social media Adatto. È possibile controllare sapere i vostri amici dove seven And when wilt Google + e permette di aziende che è mai più facile per la loro fedeltà to Destinazione.

+ Google Babelfish and turn = true social media. Ill never take foreign friends, simply send the most interesting things, but you do not understand Swahili? By combining the Google translator Google +, you no longer need to wonder what the foreign friends have to say or comment on us - is automagically translated.

A strange: If BNO take our minds back to November 2010, when rumors of the acquisition of Common Groupon were buying Google, we can see the potential of making a purchase request to the UN Group of Parties Act are at the geolocation services - this could be the UN powerful tool to marketing small businesses and resources.

And the kicker Real

Google + = murder sites and Facebook Fan page. Not much you can do to your Facebook page that stand out from the rest. Not if Google integrates sites +. The potential for celebrities, business and eccentric geeks to differentiate their pages to another will be enormous, coupled with the fact that it allows different forms of transactions to occur, leading to the generation of crowd sourcing, "the site "Google + can cover everything.

In the grand scheme of things, Chocolate Factory + Google Google when it comes to being a one stop shop for all device applications unbelievable (but currently disparate). Given the time a little more wild speculation could be the death knell for some media more privileged.

Google Adwords = + and a viable model, which goes back to the monetization and ROI of social media effectively. Gone are the days of trying to justify the value of a "me" on Facebook or Twitter retweet an influential among advertisers targeting Google AdWords contextual + can show the way to make Gmail. This is compounded by the nature of demographics (age, sex, interests, +1' s) that Facebook has only been aware of - which makes the targeting of ads in an environment of social media, more effective. Moreover, except for the reports you want, consider linking Adwords Google Analytics is very easy, as it is.

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